With us, you are under reliable protection!
ACCIDENT insurance

“Your Protection” is an accident insurance. The policy will help out in difficult time and make it possible to protect the family budget from unexpected expenses.

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INSURANCE for those traveling abroad

Travel insurance coverage will allow for feeling confident on any trip.

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MOTOR Vehicles Insurance

Feel secure about your car always and everywhere

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SMARTPHONE display and touch screen insurance

Smartphone screen insurance is a special coverage that provides protection against damage or breakage of the device screen.

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ENTERPRISE’S property insurance

Any organization faces risks that can lead to damage or loss of property owned by it.

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PROTECT your employees from accidents

Accident insurance has long been a component of the social package provided by the employers to their employees.

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HOUSE contents insurance

House contents insurance provides protection against loss or damage to house contents caused by disasters, theft or other accidents.

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ACCIDENT insurance

“Your Protection” is an accident insurance. The policy will help out in difficult time and make it possible to protect the family budget from unexpected expenses.

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INSURANCE for those traveling abroad

Travel insurance coverage will allow for feeling confident on any trip.

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MOTOR Vehicles Insurance

Feel secure about your car always and everywhere

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SMARTPHONE display and touch screen insurance

Smartphone screen insurance is a special coverage that provides protection against damage or breakage of the device screen.

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ENTERPRISE’S property insurance

Any organization faces risks that can lead to damage or loss of property owned by it.

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PROTECT your employees from accidents

Accident insurance has long been a component of the social package provided by the employers to their employees.

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HOUSE contents insurance

House contents insurance provides protection against loss or damage to house contents caused by disasters, theft or other accidents.

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Our services

Motor Vehicles Insurance
Motor Vehicles Insurance

Cars and trucks, trailers and semi-trailers, buses, minibuses, motorcycles, agricultural and construction machinery, self-propelled vehicles, etc.

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Property Insurance
Property Insurance

Having a TV-set, a new computer or a sophisticated air conditioner at home is no longer a luxury, but an everyday occurrence. However, even an ordinary escape of water can seriously damage the property in your home.

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Accident Insurance
Accident Insurance

Accident insurance is a type of insurance designed to provide financial protection in the event of injury or death resulting from an accident.

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Motor Vehicles Insurance
Motor Vehicles Insurance

Cars and trucks, trailers and semi-trailers, buses, minibuses, motorcycles, agricultural and construction machinery, self-propelled vehicles, etc.

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Voluntary Insurance of Enterprise’s Property
Voluntary Insurance of Enterprise’s Property

Any organization faces risks that may cause damage or loss of its property, such as natural disasters, fire, illegal...

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Employees’ Accident Insurance
Employees’ Accident Insurance

Accident insurance has long been a component of the social package provided by the employers to their employees. The greater and more notable the manager’s concern for the team, the more...

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Страхование автотранспорта
Страхование автотранспорта

Легковые и грузовые автомобили, прицепы и полуприцепы, автобусы, микроавтобусы, мотоциклы, сельскохозяйственные и строительные машины ...

Страхование домашнего имущества
Страхование домашнего имущества

Иметь дома телевизор, новый компьютер или сложный кондиционер – это давно не роскошь, а обыденность. Однако даже банальное затопление ...

Страхование от несчастных случаев
Страхование от несчастных случаев

Страхование от несчастных случаев - это вид страхования, который предназначен для предоставления финансовой защиты в случае травмы или ...

Страхование автотранспорта
Страхование автотранспорта

Легковые и грузовые автомобили, прицепы и полуприцепы, автобусы, микроавтобусы, мотоциклы, сельскохозяйственные и строительные машины, самоходные механизмы и т.д.

Добровольное страхование имущества предприятий
Добровольное страхование имущества предприятий

Любая организация сталкивается с рисками, которые могут привести к повреждению или утрате принадлежащего ей имущества. Такие риски, как стихийные бедствия, пожар, противоправные ...

Страхование работников от несчастных случаев
Страхование работников от несчастных случаев

Страхование от несчастных случаев уже давно стало составляющей социального пакета, предоставляемого работодателем своим работникам. Чем больше и ощутимей забота руководителя о коллективе, тем больше ...

INSURANCE Company Resmi kepil
Insurance services
Customers served
Satisfied customers

Our advantages

Quality and reliability
Quality and reliability

Responsibility for your confidence in the future
Responsibility for your confidence in the future

The best products, the best prices, and the best service level
The best products, the best prices, and the best service level

Individual approach and favorable prices
Individual approach and favorable prices

Best practices and centuries-old successful experience
Best practices and centuries-old successful experience

Our partners and customers