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Our services

INSURANCE of drilling operations

Insurance of wells and drilling operations is intended to protect the property and financial risks of companies engaged in the extraction, processing of minerals, as well as related operations.

Insurance protects the works, equipment and machinery used in the operations, and also forms financial reserves from the insurer’s funds to restore control over the well.

What do we insure?

The objects of insurance are oil, gas, geothermal, water and other wells, where:

What do we insure?

The objects of insurance are oil, gas, geothermal, water and other wells, where:

● drilling, deepening, maintenance, repair, restoration or preparation for the start of production are carried out, up to the end of these works
     ● drilling, deepening, maintenance, repair, restoration or preparation for the start of production are carried out, up to the end of these works

● oil, natural gas or other liquid or gaseous minerals are produced
● oil, natural gas or other liquid or gaseous minerals are produced

● oil, natural gas or other minerals production has been temporarily suspended for any reason, and the well has been plugged or otherwise temporarily abandoned
● oil, natural gas or other minerals production has been temporarily suspended for any reason, and the well has been plugged or otherwise temporarily abandoned

● oil, natural gas or other liquid or gaseous minerals production has been stopped after the depletion of oil or gas-bearing layers feeding the well
● oil, natural gas or other liquid or gaseous minerals production has been stopped after the depletion of oil or gas-bearing layers feeding the well

● expenses associated with the elimination of the consequences of damage caused to the natural environment, including air, water, soil and subsoil pollution within the contract area, and in its subsoil
● expenses associated with the elimination of the consequences of damage caused to the natural environment, including air, water, soil and subsoil pollution within the contract area, and in its subsoil

From what risks?

Civil liability - protects the company from financial liability to third parties in the event of damage or injury during drilling operations.

Civil Liability for

- Bodily injuries
- Destruction of property

Civil Liability for

- Bodily injuries
- Destruction of property


All risks

Loss of

well control

Loss of

Well control

Liability for

environment (Ecology)